Finca El Puente is located in the southern municipality of Marala in the department of La Paz, Honduras. Owner, Don Fabio Caballero has a famous reputation amongst coffee producers in Honduras.
He works closely with his daughter Marysabel and her husband Moises Herrea who are now currently managing the business.
The Caballero family are extremely committed to environmental sustainability across their 200 hectares of farmland. A large part of their work goes into soil improvement making their own organic fertilisers from the farm's cherries and also the farms animal waste.
Then, the beans are dried on raised beds in the sun or shade for 11 20 days. The coffees are piled up and covered when its hard sun during midday when it rains and at night.
Once roasted, the coffee produces a rich dark fruity aroma. Warming mature fruit like red berries, black grape, and plum flavours. It gives a rich and dense mouthfeel, with a well-structured and intense flavour profile.
It also has some red vine notes combined with molasses and prunes. It is very complex with a juicy finish.
This is used in addition to some mineral fertiliser to ensure that the coffee plants get the nutrients they need. Oranges, avocados, flowers, bananas and other fruits are also grown at the farms, but mainly for the pickers to eat and to create biodiversity at the farms that ensure good growing conditions and shade for the coffee trees.
Local pickers are hired and trained to only select the ripest cherries. All pickers are equipped with 2 bags while picking: one bag for ripe cherries, and another bag to put the overripe, damaged and under-ripe coffee cherries. Coffee is collected every afternoon and weighed, and all pickers get paid by the weight of the cherries they have picked.
Don Fabio, Marysabel and Moises have always focused on quality leading to getting the 3rd price at the annual SCAA Coffee of the year competition in 2010.
They have also done well in the Cup of Excellence for many years, as one of the few producers from their area.
While you won't find them with a restaurant or coffee house at the roastery, you can find them in different locations selling their delicious speciality, freshly roasted coffees. You can always check their facebook page to find out where they are going to be.

Flavour Profile of Unit Fourteen
After de-pulping the Catuai varietal, the mucilage is removed with the use of a Penagos aqua pulper. Then the parchment is fermented for 12 hours before it is washed using African washing techniques, which helps to sort floaters and undeveloped beans from the denser and more developed coffee. After washing, the beans are soaked for about 12 hours in running clean water.
Coffee Grown in the Honduras
The Caballeros are extremely committed to the environmental sustainability of their farms. A lot of their energy and focus goes towards improving the soil of their farms to ensure a healthy growing environment for their coffee shrubs. Therefore, they produce organic fertiliser made from cow and chicken manure mixed with pulp from coffee cherries and other organic material.
Round Hill Roastery
Round Hill Roastery has always strived to provide great customer service, delicious fair trade coffees, and they do that by working closely with the farmers they have built relationships with over the years, taking time to make visits to the farms to further their education and to also to source new coffees. Each coffee blend is test roasted and allowed to rest before being brewed in several different ways. They do this to maximize the flavour profile.