With a centennial tradition of producing speciality coffees, Mantiqueira de Minas is today of the most awarded regions in Brazil.
Composed of mostly small producers, this origin is differentiated by the unique characteristics of the territory, mainly for the pioneering work that has been done by our producers in creating rare and astonishing coffees.
The area comprises 69,500 hectares and altiturde ranges from 900 to 1,500 masl. All coffees are minimum 82 SCAA points and many enter the late harvest Cup of Excellence in Brazil.
Once the coffee is picked, it is processed through to dry milling on the farm, and then brought to the Cocarive warehouse. It is then rigorously cupped under the guidance of ex Brazilian cupping Champion Wellington Pereira.
Every year they visit Bwishaza co-operative, a group of around 500 farmers who produce fantastic coffee for the company.
Both Amelia and Bradley, as well as their team are committed to supporting these Rwandan coffee farmers with an open and transparent working relationship and ensuring that they are paid a fair price for their work and their products.
To experience full flavoured coffees like the Mantiqueira Amarelo blend, be sure and sign up for a Blue Coffee Box Subscription. Click here for more details and to find out how you can get your first box!

Flavour Profile of Mantiqueira Amarelo
The flavour profile of the Mantiqueira Amarelo blend is a full bodied coffee with notes of Chocolate and plum.Coffee Grown in Brazil
The lower altitudes are often grazed by cattle and the steeper slopes compared to other parts of the state mean that the near ubiquitous mechanisation of the coffee industry in Brazil is much less commonly seen, and hand picking more prevalent. Though both red and yellow cherries are grown across the region, altitude often splits the choices, with yellow generally being grown at higher elevations and therefore forming a larger percentage of quality coffees form the region.
Horsham Coffee Roasters
Horsham Coffee Roasters began their journey through a stall at the Horsham food market, in the heart of Sussex and, of course, it became their namesake. Bradley and Amelia, the brilliant minds behind Horsham Coffee Roasters first visited Rwanda in 2014 and over the last few years, they have developed some very close relationships.