4 Important Differences Between Instant Coffee and Ground Coffee
Did you know that coffee is one of the healthiest drinks you can have? Each cup you drink is completely full of antioxidants, and the best part -- it boosts your mental alertness and cognitive functions, and is low in calories too! The same can be said for both instant and ground coffee. For instance -- Instant coffee is literally just 100 percent coffee beans that have been roasted, ground and brewed with water into a liquid, then dehydrated, so it has the same health benefits as ground coffee beans.
In spite of the difference in flavour, the antioxidant count is pretty much the same for both drinks. There's only a difference in caffeine content, where instant coffee has about half the caffeine of fresh coffee. So the question is -- which is better for you -- ground coffee or instant coffee? These 4 differences should help you and I both make a sound decision in the type of coffee we drink.
#1 How Long it Takes to Make Coffee
The art of making instant coffee is as simple as measuring the granules, adding hot water, and just like that -- you're done! Making coffee this way only takes a few seconds and if you are pressed for time, but you can't leave the house without that cup of delicious coffee, then instant coffee will save the day by giving you the caffeine boost you crave.

#2 How Much Coffee is Wasted
If you are the only one drinking coffee, many times with ground coffee you will have extra coffee leftover, and then there is the whole process of getting rid of the coffee grounds (click here for some useful tips on reusing those), and cleaning the equipment.
#3 Flavour
Freshly brewed coffee keeps all its essential oils and other important flavour bombs intact, giving it a fuller, more subtle taste than most instant coffees. There's more flavour variety in fresh coffee (don't take our word for it! Subscribe to Blue Coffee Box and try some delicious roast coffees for yourself).
The main reason for the difference in taste, however, is the composition of the raw material used in making instant coffee. The good folks that manufacture instant coffee tend to use the Robusta beans, which are a cheaper bean and also has a bitter edge. Most roasters tend to lean towards using the Arabica beans and these are the beans that are preferred by people who brew their coffee fresh.
#4 Cost
Instant coffee comes at a lower cost. This is a logical outcome based on its simplicity. Depending on what you're willing to invest in your coffee experience, ground coffee can give you that experience you desire, resulting in a little more cost.