Modern Standard is a speciality coffee roaster with 20 years of industry knowledge under their belt. They make it a goal to work with all sectors of the industry to improve coffee quality and deliver a better tasting cup every single time.
Their team of 12 work tirelessly to provide an excellent coffee experience through roasting, teaching, sourcing, and maintenance to customers.
Their team of skilled and passionate coffee professionals, ensures that all of their customers set the standard in coffee.
Their team focuses on sourcing unique, single farm and estate coffees from award-winning producers located in key origins including Guatemala, Brazil, Costa Rica, Colombia, Nicaragua, and Ethiopia.
Each farm's unique qualities and focus is important to the team, who travel to origin each season. During this time, closely forged relationships are maintained and relationships with new producers are formed.
They believe that knowing the story behind each coffee is important. Discovering quality-focused, passionate and dedicated producers of distinctive coffee is what drives them.
They only work with specialty grade coffees; those that score over 84pts on the SCA cupping forms.
Not only do they sell coffee to consumers like you and me but they also service many cafes and caterers. They deliver great tasting coffees designed to suit their clients, as well as provide expert training and a full technical service solution. Modern Standard Coffee is the complete speciality coffee partner.
Where it All Began
Modern Standard was born out of a desire to combine scaleable speciality coffee, market-leading technical service, and outstanding customer service.
The Ethics Behind Modern Standard Coffee
Modern Standard Coffee cares about great coffee and they focus on serving the whole journey from the source to the cup. They love to blend their experience and detail-led knowledge of speciality roasting with efficient and innovative production.

What You Will Find Inside at Modern Standard Coffee
Their coffee is available in supermarkets nationwide, as well as their online store. Seasonality is important to them, so their products are always changing from the espresso blends to awesome single origins.
Interview with Modern Standard Coffee
We recently got the chance to interview Modern Standard Coffee and here is what they shared with us. It's always fun to know a little more personality about your favourite coffee roasters.How did you get started in the coffee business?
I was at Uni and needed a job. Coffee jobs seem to be widely available and being a barista seemed like a good way to get paid.What sparked your interest in coffee roasting?
After working in coffee for a few years, it was natural for me to develop an understanding of the roasting side of things. I like the experimental side of roasting and the ability to personalise coffees based on your own palate.
What is the very first cup of coffee you ever remember drinking?
The first one that really stood out was an Indian Balmaadi estate. I had it as an espresso somewhere in Edinburgh in 2008 and it was the first coffee I'd had that I could really taste the flavours in.What does your roasting set up look like and how has it changed over the years?
We have a 25kg and 70kg Diedrich roaster. As we've grown we've taken on bigger equipment. We've now got a roastery in Copenhagen & Essex so tend to adapt our setup based on our volumes & requirements of the business.
What is your favourite brewing method and do you drink a lot of coffee at home?
Love a Chemex! Nothing too crazy, around 2 cups a dayWhich coffee origin is your favourite and why?
Guatemala, particular Hue Hue Tenango. I reckon it's got the best balance of sweetness, acidity and body as well as being consistent.What roaster do you use, where do you roast, how often?
We roast on a Diedrich, an American machine and we roast 5 days a week.
Does your roaster have a name? If so, is there a story?
Actually no, although now we think we should name themWhat distinguishes your approach to sourcing and roasting coffee from other roasters?
We're not trying to reinvent sourcing or the roasting process, we just focus on finding great coffees and developing the best flavours. We're looking into eco methods for roasting in the long-term, saving energy where possible.
What gear or gadget is at the top of your coffee wish list?
I've got them all to be fair - In terms of gear, we've recently partnered up with Dalla Corte and think their kit & tech is awesome.Do you have a favourite coffee mug? If so, tell us about it.
My diner style mug. It's got a good weight and holds the heat well. Funnily enough, we also sell them on our webshop ;)Have you read any great books about coffee roasting?
Not so much books. I tend to read Roast magazine regularly and then look online for tips. Also going out and tasting the coffee's on the high st gives you a better perspective.
Do you have a cafe?
Not currently, but we're hoping to open a high-street site this yearWhat does the future look like for you? Where do you see your company at in the future?
Like any business, you wish for it to grow...We're getting some really good opportunities and enjoying seeing where it takes usWhat advice would you give new roasters who are just starting out their careers in coffee?
Gain as much experience as you can across different roles and don't expect success immediately.