Flavour Profile of Cafe Femenino
Peru "Cafe Femenino" is a medium-bodied fair trade organic coffee with fine acidity, sweet aroma and hints of baking chocolate that are accentuated by a slow, dark roast.
Coffee Grown in Peru
The women of CECANOR are proud to be the originators of the Café Femenino concept. While women have always been crucial to coffee production in Peru, men traditionally held economic power. In 2004, 464 female coffee producers in Peru united to change this dynamic and take a step toward empowerment by creating the first Café Femenino co-op. Now, they feel proud to instill in their daughters the expectation that they will grow up to become leaders in their community just like their mothers and grandmothers.
With little money to count on, a coffee family generally prefers to invest available resources in educating the sons. The daughters stay home and devote themselves to chores around the house and tending the farm. They usually marry at a young age and are only allowed to participate in the domestic work of the home. Their participation in work groups has traditionally been in a passive role. Until now. In 2003, the first conference of Women Coffee Producers was held in Northern Peru. The concept of separating these women producers' coffee from the rest of the fair trade co-op's production was a new idea, developed by the fair trade co-op, their organic coffee trading partners, and the women themselves, searching for ideas that would improve their living conditions. The women's conference focuses on building self-confidence, leadership skills, and sharing experiences. The women's response to these organizational activities has been amazing, as has the support offered by community leaders. Once the coffee leaves the co-op, all sales contracts for Cafe Femenino must be signed and committed to by a woman, and a woman must participate in the sales and marketing of this coffee. An extra two cents per pound above the fair trade price for green coffee is paid by the US importer of Cafe Femenino, and these funds provide income that goes directly to the women producers - the use of this money is for them alone to decide.
Wogan Coffee
Wogan Coffee is definitely what they call a true family business. It is run by second and third generations of the Wogan family. In Bristol, Wogan Coffee specialises in sourcing, importing, roasting and packing some of the finest coffee in Bristol, including the organic and Fairtrade speciality grade beans and grinds.
Not only do they love roasting coffee to sell to their wonderful customers, but they also offer barista training. They offer tailored, complimentary training to their customers, with machine servicing and support across the UK. If you are in the area, make plans to check them out. Everyone is invited to see their warehouse in action. Here you can see their original 1968 Probat coffee roaster work its magic on their beans. You can find them on their website Facebook, or Instagram. To experience full flavoured coffees like the Cafe Femenino blend, be sure and sign up for a Blue Coffee Box Subscription. Click here for more details and to find out how you can get your first box!